Neurotoxin Treatments: Botox/Dysport

Experience Smoother, Youthful Skin:

  • Injecting neurotoxins intramuscularly and intradermally to reduce the appearance of fine lines and deep wrinkles.
  • Minimal to no discomfort during the procedure.
  • Small, temporary bumps under the skin dissipate within 20 minutes as the product is absorbed.
  • Initial results visible at 3 days, with full effects realized in 2 weeks.
  • Follow-up recommended after 2 weeks for possible additional units.

Natallie's Recommendations:

Maximize your treatment results with these tips:

  • Schedule your appointment 2-4 weeks before any significant events or vacations.
  • Avoid facial and body massages for 2 weeks to prevent disturbing the treatment area.
  • Avoid wearing snug hats that might displace the product.
  • Consider taking over-the-counter oral zinc supplements to enhance the longevity of your results.

Treatment Duration: Approximately 45 minutes, allowing for a thorough application and immediate post-treatment care.

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